Friday, December 2, 2011

Tsaur Resins for Sale

Take a look-see at the Tsaurs you can buy from The Cotton Candy Machine, Tara McPherson's gallery in Brooklyn. These were cast here at our shop in Cincinnati especially for a show of Lulubell & Friends toys in mid-October.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Tsaur sits for portraitist Jonathan Queen.

Here's a card showing off our loveable fighting dino as filtered through Jonathan Queen's hand. Once the vinyl version is ready for the world (soon!), this image will grace the headercard.

Friday, September 9, 2011

After a looooong hiatus....

Here's an initial look at the latest Brand Loyalty offering, made in conjunction with Lulubell Toy Bodega. At 7 or so inches tall, he's big and he'll soon be vinyl...look for him lumbering towards New York Comiccon in mid-October.